
data class ClanWar(val clan: WarClan, val teamSize: Int, val attacksPerMember: Int, val opponent: WarClan, val startTime: String?, val state: WarState, val endTime: String?, val preparationStartTime: String?)

Represents the ClanWar model of the Clash of Clans API.


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constructor(clan: WarClan, teamSize: Int, attacksPerMember: Int, opponent: WarClan, startTime: String?, state: WarState, endTime: String?, preparationStartTime: String?)


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The number of attacks allowed per member in the war.

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The information about the clan participating in the war.

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The end time of the war in ISO 8601 date-time format.

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The information about the opponent clan in the war.

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The start time of the preparation phase in ISO 8601 date-time format.

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The start time of the war in ISO 8601 date-time format.

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The current state of the clan war.

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The size of the team participating in the war.


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Retrieves a list of clan attacks during the war, sorted by attack order.

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Retrieves the clan member who launched the specified attack, if found.

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Retrieves a list of clan members participating in the war, sorted by map position.