
data class ClanWarMember(val tag: String, val name: String, val mapPosition: Int, val townhallLevel: Int, val opponentAttacks: Int, val bestOpponentAttack: ClanWarAttack, val attacks: List<ClanWarAttack>?)

Represents the ClanWarMember model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanWarMember data class stores information about a member's participation in a clan war.


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constructor(tag: String, name: String, mapPosition: Int, townhallLevel: Int, opponentAttacks: Int, bestOpponentAttack: ClanWarAttack, attacks: List<ClanWarAttack>?)


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A list of attacks made by the clan war member during the war.

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The best attack made by an opponent on the member's base.

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The map position of the clan war member's base in the war.

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The name of the clan war member.

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The number of attacks made by the opponent on the member's base.

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val tag: String

The tag of the clan war member.

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The town hall level of the clan war member's base.