
data class ClanWarAttack(val order: Int, val attackerTag: String, val defenderTag: String, val stars: Int, val destructionPercentage: Int, val duration: Int)

Represents the ClanWarAttack model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanWarAttack data class stores information about an attack made during a clan war.


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constructor(order: Int, attackerTag: String, defenderTag: String, stars: Int, destructionPercentage: Int, duration: Int)


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The tag of the player who launched the attack.

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The tag of the opponent's base that was attacked.

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The percentage of destruction achieved in the attack.

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The duration of the attack in seconds.

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val order: Int

The order in which the attack occurred during the war.

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val stars: Int

The number of stars earned in the attack.