
data class Player(val clan: PlayerClan?, val league: League?, val builderBaseLeague: SimpleLeague, val role: ClanMemberRole?, val warPreference: PlayerWarPreference?, val attackWins: Int, val defenseWins: Int, val bestVersusTrophies: Int, val townHallLevel: Int, val townHallWeaponLevel: Int, val legendStatistics: PlayerLegendStatistics?, val troops: List<PlayerItemLevel>, val heroes: List<PlayerItemLevel>, val spells: List<PlayerItemLevel>, val labels: List<Label>, val tag: String, val name: String, val expLevel: Int, val trophies: Int, val bestTrophies: Int, val donations: Int, val donationsReceived: Int, val builderHallLevel: Int, val builderBaseTrophies: Int, val bestBuilderBaseTrophies: Int, val warStars: Int, val achievements: List<PlayerAchievementsProgress>, val clanCapitalContributions: Int, val playerHouse: PlayerHouse)

Represents the Player model of the Clash of Clans API. The Player data class stores comprehensive information about a player in the game.


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constructor(clan: PlayerClan?, league: League?, builderBaseLeague: SimpleLeague, role: ClanMemberRole?, warPreference: PlayerWarPreference?, attackWins: Int, defenseWins: Int, bestVersusTrophies: Int, townHallLevel: Int, townHallWeaponLevel: Int, legendStatistics: PlayerLegendStatistics?, troops: List<PlayerItemLevel>, heroes: List<PlayerItemLevel>, spells: List<PlayerItemLevel>, labels: List<Label>, tag: String, name: String, expLevel: Int, trophies: Int, bestTrophies: Int, donations: Int, donationsReceived: Int, builderHallLevel: Int, builderBaseTrophies: Int, bestBuilderBaseTrophies: Int, warStars: Int, achievements: List<PlayerAchievementsProgress>, clanCapitalContributions: Int, playerHouse: PlayerHouse)


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A list of player's achievements and their progress.

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The total number of attack wins achieved by the player.

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The highest number of builder base trophies earned by the player.

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The highest number of trophies ever earned by the player.

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The highest number of versus trophies earned by the player.

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Information about the player's builder base league.

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The current number of builder base trophies earned by the player.

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The level of the player's builder hall.

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Information about the player's clan.

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The total number of contributions made by the player to the clan capital.

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The total number of defense wins achieved by the player.

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The total number of troops donated by the player.

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The total number of troops received by the player as donations.

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The experience level of the player.

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A list of player's heroes and their levels.

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A list of labels associated with the player.

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Information about the player's league.

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Information about the player's legend league statistics.

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The name of the player.

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Information about the player's house elements.

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The role of the player in their clan (e.g., Member, Leader, etc.).

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A list of player's spells and their levels.

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val tag: String

The tag of the player.

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The level of the player's town hall.

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The level of the player's town hall weapon (if available).

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A list of player's troops and their levels.

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The current number of trophies earned by the player.

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The war preference status of the player (In or Out).

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The total number of war stars earned by the player.