Package-level declarations


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data class Player(val clan: PlayerClan?, val league: League?, val builderBaseLeague: SimpleLeague, val role: ClanMemberRole?, val warPreference: PlayerWarPreference?, val attackWins: Int, val defenseWins: Int, val bestVersusTrophies: Int, val townHallLevel: Int, val townHallWeaponLevel: Int, val legendStatistics: PlayerLegendStatistics?, val troops: List<PlayerItemLevel>, val heroes: List<PlayerItemLevel>, val spells: List<PlayerItemLevel>, val labels: List<Label>, val tag: String, val name: String, val expLevel: Int, val trophies: Int, val bestTrophies: Int, val donations: Int, val donationsReceived: Int, val builderHallLevel: Int, val builderBaseTrophies: Int, val bestBuilderBaseTrophies: Int, val warStars: Int, val achievements: List<PlayerAchievementsProgress>, val clanCapitalContributions: Int, val playerHouse: PlayerHouse)

Represents the Player model of the Clash of Clans API. The Player data class stores comprehensive information about a player in the game.

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data class PlayerAchievementsProgress(val stars: Int, val value: Int, val name: String, val target: Int, val info: String, val completionInfo: String, val village: Village)

Represents the PlayerAchievementsProgress model of the Clash of Clans API. The PlayerAchievementsProgress data class stores information about the progress of a player's achievements in the game.

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data class PlayerClan(val tag: String, val clanLevel: Int, val name: String, val badgeUrls: Badge)

Represents the PlayerClan model of the Clash of Clans API. The PlayerClan data class stores information about a player's clan.

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data class PlayerItemLevel(val level: Int, val name: String, val maxLevel: Int, val village: Village, val superTroopIsActive: Boolean, val equipment: List<PlayerItemLevel>?)

Represents the PlayerItemLevel model of the Clash of Clans API. The PlayerItemLevel data class stores information about an item level of a player in the game.

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data class PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult(val trophies: Int, val id: String, val rank: Int)

Represents the PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult model of the Clash of Clans API. The PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult data class stores information about a player's performance in a legend league tournament season.

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data class PlayerLegendStatistics(val legendTrophies: Int, val previousBuilderBaseSeason: PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult, val currentSeason: PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult, val previousVersusSeason: PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult, val bestBuilderBaseSeason: PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult, val previousSeason: PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult, val bestSeason: PlayerLegendLeagueTournamentSeasonResult)

Represents the PlayerLegendStatistics model of the Clash of Clans API. The PlayerLegendStatistics data class stores information about a player's legend statistics in the game.