
data class ClanWarLeagueGroup(val tag: String, val state: ClanWarLeagueGroupState, val season: String, val clans: List<ClanWarLeagueClan>, val rounds: List<ClanWarLeagueRound>)

Represents the ClanWarLeagueGroup model of the Clash of Clans API.


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constructor(tag: String, state: ClanWarLeagueGroupState, season: String, clans: List<ClanWarLeagueClan>, rounds: List<ClanWarLeagueRound>)


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A list of ClanWarLeagueClan objects representing the clans in the group.

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A list of ClanWarLeagueRound objects representing the rounds of the clan war league group.

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The season identifier of the clan war league group.

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The current state of the clan war league group.

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val tag: String

The tag of the clan war league group.