Package-level declarations


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data class Clan(val warLeague: SimpleLeague, val capitalLeague: SimpleLeague, val memberList: List<ClanMember>, val tag: String, val warFrequency: WarFrequency, val clanLevel: Int, val warWinStreak: Int, val warWins: Int, val warTies: Int, val warLosses: Int, val clanPoints: Int, val requiredTownhallLevel: Int, val chatLanguage: Language?, val isFamilyFriendly: Boolean, val requiredTrophies: Int, val requiredBuilderBaseTrophies: Int, val isWarLogPublic: Boolean, val clanBuilderBasePoints: Int, val clanCapitalPoints: Int, val labels: List<Label>, val name: String, val location: Location?, val type: ClanType, val members: Int, val description: String, val clanCapital: ClanCapital, val badgeUrls: Badge)

Represents the Clan model of the Clash of Clans API. The Clan data class stores detailed information about a clan in the game.

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data class ClanList(val items: List<Clan>, val paging: Paging?) : ApiListResponse<Clan>

Represents the ClanList model of the Clash of Clans API.