Package-level declarations


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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeason(val attackLog: List<ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttackLogEntry>, val defenseLog: List<ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDefenceLogEntry>, val state: String, val startTime: String, val endTime: String, val capitalTotalLoot: Int, val raidsCompleted: Int, val totalAttacks: Int, val enemyDistrictsDestroyed: Int, val offensiveReward: Int, val defensiveReward: Int, val members: List<ClanCapitalRaidSeasonMember>)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeason model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeason data class stores information about an individual Clan Capital Raid season.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttack(val attacker: ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttacker, val destructionPercent: Int, val stars: Int)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttack model of the Clash of Clans API.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttacker(val tag: String, val name: String)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttacker model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttacker data class stores information about an attacker participating in the Clan Capital Raid season.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttackLogEntry(val defender: ClanCapitalRaidSeasonClanInfo, val attackCount: Int, val districtCount: Int, val districtsDestroyed: Int, val districts: List<ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDistrict>)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttackLogEntry model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttackLogEntry data class stores information about an attack log entry in the Clan Capital Raid season.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonClanInfo(val tag: String, val name: String, val level: Int, val badgeUrls: Badge)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonClanInfo model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasonClanInfo data class stores information about a clan participating in the Clan Capital Raid season.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDefenceLogEntry(val attacker: ClanCapitalRaidSeasonClanInfo, val attackCount: Int, val districtCount: Int, val districtsDestroyed: Int, val districts: List<ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDistrict>)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDefenceLogEntry model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDefenceLogEntry data class stores information about a defense log entry in the Clan Capital Raid season.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDistrict(val stars: Int, val name: String, val id: Int, val destructionPercent: Int, val attackCount: Int, val totalLooted: Int, val attacks: List<ClanCapitalRaidSeasonAttack>, val districtHallLevel: Int)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDistrict model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasonDistrict data class stores information about a district in the Clan Capital Raid season.

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data class ClanCapitalRaidSeasonMember(val tag: String, val name: String, val attacks: Int, val attackLimit: Int, val bonusAttackLimit: Int, val capitalResourcesLooted: Int)

Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasonMember model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasonMember data class stores information about a member participating in the Clan Capital Raid season.

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Represents the ClanCapitalRaidSeasons model of the Clash of Clans API. The ClanCapitalRaidSeasons data class stores information about Clan Capital Raid seasons.